Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Boundaries, Excellence, and WorkLife Balance (Episode 39)

 Boundaries, Excellence, and WorkLife Balance (Episode 39). Today, we talk about how we teachers can still be excellent while holding firm boundaries between work and rest.       Today, we talk about how we teachers can still be excellent while holding firm boundaries between work and rest ... and how we can model and teach our students how to do this too.
       Watch the YouTube video here >>>
       This conversation is very unscripted and covers a lots of mini topics within this whole conversation. Enjoy! We'd love to hear your thoughts on this topic and where you're at in your journey. Let's travel this together. :)
       Conversation of the Day: What task do you feel like you must do during the summer so you can survive the next school year?
       Hop on over to watch the video and share your thoughts in the conversation.